Why Only 3%?

Look A Little Closer...
Look A Little Closer...

Because at the end of the day, without beating around the bush, only three percent of humans are driven enough to be transformational game changers.

And this is true in the most basic of circumstances, changing ourselves.

Let it begin with me.

Let it begin with you.

We can readily see (we humans are such critics, eh?) the plank in another’s eye and go a lifetime without seeing our own.

2,450 Blog Posts

Humble Beginnings, Odds Favor Failure
Humble Beginnings, Odds Favor Failure

An April 11, 2010 blog post marked the day we surpassed 2,000 blog posts at Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

At roughly 150 new posts each month, that would bring today’s total to 2,450 blog posts, more or less.

That means in two more weeks, we’ll surpass 2,500.

Only a small business entrepreneur can understand the need for (selfless) self-promotion.

To the person that has only ever worked for someone else, and there’s nothing wrong with that please don’t misunderstand this message, self-promotion can look like arrogance, when in reality, it’s survival.

While I wish everyone visiting these blogs could find happiness, reassurance, bliss, information, motivation and any other good and decent thing, the reality is that the target audience is about 3% of the workforce.

I’ll tell you why tomorrow.

June Was Flat

It's Starting To Add Up
It's Starting To Add Up

June was flat. Sounds like High School, but I’m not talking about how a sweater fits.

However, I am talking about size.

June was flat. It wasn’t better than May, but it was as good as May.

And remember how good May was?

Many people stop blogging because traffic either never catches on or it fades away.

If I were to conservatively estimate, based on historical data, these numbers will at least double by year’s end.