So sure of ourself one minute, so afraid the next

Mickey and Minnie tee-shirts
We can only be or have one or the other, not both


When we set a big goal and prepare for it for several years, something obvious happens. Time passes.

And the closer we get the reality gradually amplifies.

To a fever pitch sometimes.

Ranging from feelings of separation (like from a sudden death) anxiety to unbelievable excitement for the next greatest adventure in life.

Not uncommon to change your mind several times in a single day. And each decision seems final, until it doesn’t again.

It feels like insanity sometimes.

So sure of ourself one minute, so afraid the next.


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And about as exciting as planning that solo cross country bicycle trip

iPhone 6 box


(photo: The most sophisticated pocket computer ever created also doubles as a phone – the future is here?)

One hundred days ago the call was initiated to talk about the future. It was made from the older, less sophisticated iPhone 5s. But only 100 days ago the iPhone 5s was the most sophisticated pocket computer known to humans.

And as the future approaches one day at a time, we barely notice.

Yet the future is a once-in-a-life-time milestone.

Scary for sure. Exciting for sure.

Personally, it’s about as exciting as planning that solo cross country bicycle trip back in ’82.

The notion of riding (solo) a bicycle from Pennsylvania to Washington State with only $75 in your pocket.

Impossible is nothing.

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Decision decisions…

North Carolina Mountains waterfall


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(photo: The decision to get jump in, safely, was easy… getting out required two men, each pulling an arm)

Decision decisions…

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. – Amelia Earhart

The reward for making a decision is in the making of it.

Regret is a poor reward for choosing to not decide.

Especially when the choices are compelling and exciting (and fearful).

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Perfect? No.

Expired food box
More than two years past expiration. Thought you said we should be decently organized.


Well over two years past the expiration date (Feb 09, 2012). Any good news here?


Now when there is thorough pantry cleaning, far fewer boxes and cans like this are tossed.

Perfect? No.

Improving significantly? Yes.

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Note: Photo June 2014