Can A Prolific Blogger Take A Writing Vacation?

jeff noel is on a writer's vacation

That’s what it feels like right now, a writer’s vacation. The intent as noble as ever. More so even. The process to get it done? Discovering it one new day at a time. I’m lovin’ it!

(reminder: please don’t let Mid Life Celebration’s blogs and their likeness of a one-way conversation keep you from missing the point…in this post, for example, jeff noel is really saying, “What’s your important thing you’re experimenting with? Are you loving it?”)

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September’s Writing Is Inspired To Be Free Style and Free Form

This photo can mean many different things to many people. And that's perfect.

jeff noel has been writing prolifically about Life’s Big Choices since 2009, and encouraging others to consider the simplicity of life’s big picture: Mind, Body, Spirit, Money and HQ. What is most exciting now, in September, is that a feeling of creativity, inspiration and innovation are more important than anything else (for the short term anyway).

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Quietly, Patiently In The Background, jeff noel Is Working Hard To Bring You More Good Things

Acadia University, Nova Scotia 2011

Since 2009, jeff noel’s best work has been given away for free, while jeff works quietly, patiently and carefully to bring you more good things.

The value proposition is to give so much away for free that when the season comes, the business would be just that, a business. With more than just expenses. Something called income.

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Did Anyone Ever Say Life Would Be Easy?

Surely you can do small things with great love

No one ever said life would be easy. But no one said we couldn’t try to make it easier for each other. jeff noel writes to help others:

  1. Think: self-reflection fuels understanding & wisdom
  2. Smile: a universal sign of happiness
  3. Be grateful: the source of all great wealth (peace)

Amazing happens. Help facilitate it. Go.

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Midlife Is A Make It Or Break It Opportunity For Nearly Every Baby Boomer

Midlife Crisis is often brought on by regretable health choices

Midlife Celebration founder jeff noel has identified Life’s Big (5) Choices. He didn’t invent them, just packed them into a simple, useful model to think about life’s big buckets.

Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ.

We think, we move, we feel, we earn and we organize. jeff noel has dedicated the past 2.5 years writing everyday to help others think, smile and be grateful.

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