Hope and all that goes with it

Small, nimble, creative, resourceful, enthusiastic. The epitome of innovative.

If you are only worried about price, you will worry about overpaying, and we’re not going to be able to work this out.


The price you need to pay will be much higher than you want and it will also be much lower than i want.

At the same time, it will be an incredibly fair price if we agree and get started.

If we go with no deal, we both miss an opportunity.

One of us is equipped with organizational vibrancy for moving on as if nothing happened.

The other will be in the same situation without any viable, expert guide.

Hope and everything that goes with it, like a plan and commitment, will be literally impossible to find.

This is a business example for when i lean on the serenity prayer.

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jeff noel and Search Engines

jeff noel and Search Engines.  SEO. Search engine optimization.  Google. Yahoo, Bing. Safari. Firefox. Internet Explorer. Mozilla.  There are a ton of search engines out there.

Mostly, I use Google.  Why?  Google is the most recognized, and Google dominates search engine traffic.

Meeting with a fellow writer yesterday, he was using Yahoo. He told me that jungle jeff and Lane 8 we’re number one on the Yahoo search engine.  I didn’t believe him until he did the jungle jeff and lane 8 Yahoo searches.

Amazing.  Even more amazing, or maybe more interesting, was that on Yahoo, jeffnoel.org ranked higher than jeffnoel.com.  Not sure how that is possible.  And at this point in the journey, there are bigger challenges to worry about.

Do you have a decent prioritization matrix to handle cool distractions?  I do, but it only works about half the time.  🙂