Do you have a “not-to-do” list?

oral health and heart disease
Daily flossing isn’t something to not do.


Questions i ask myself…

Do you have a “not-to-do” list?


Would it be worth considering?

Oh wait, you don’t have time.

Ok, so there’s your first “not-to-do” item.

Stop using “i don’t have time” as something you lean on.


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New to do list item is to do less

This accidental photo yesterday is perfect for today’s post about a strong, lean foundation.


A new item has populated my to do list. It’s to do less. And do those (less) things differently. My one-word mantra for 2015 is ‘lean’. Here are some recent examples of trimming the overwhelm out of my life:

  • Trimmed 10k+ Twitter followers to seven. Easy to stay current.
  • Trimmed 1k Facebook Page ‘Likes’ to 200. Easier to stay current.
  • Recycling cables, cords, and devices that are no longer digitally relevant.
  • Stopped drinking coffee and diet coke. No longer feel compelled to have these.
  • Thinning clothes that i’ll never wear, even though they look ‘nice’.
  • Trimmed the snack food snacking. More trips to grocery store to keep fresh fruit handy.
  • Turned off Facebook and LinkedIn notifications on iPhone. Less distracting.
  • i end each day with zero emails in my inbox, sent folder, and trash folder.

Slow and steady wins the race, but only with focus and discipline. And commitment.

You’re in charge of all these things and more.

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Why i stopped using to-do lists

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Five minutes can seem like forever, or not nearly enough time.


Many of us live and die by our to-do lists. Used to be a poster child for that. Those days are history.

Why did i stopped using to-do lists?

If it doesn’t fit in my memory or on a post it note, it can wait. And if it can wait, odds are decent it doesn’t matter.

i also became much more self aware of my energy balance when i came to the realization life has five big, intuitive, choices.

  1. Mind – we think
  2. Body – we move
  3. Spirit – we feel
  4. Money – we work
  5. HQ – we dwell

Balance is always about focus, but it’s more about energy than time.

It’s simple, focusing on the time element is the wrong metric.

Focus on balancing your energy.

Simple doesn’t mean easy, but it does mean simple.

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Five Blogs In Un-Record Time

Jim (the owner and expert) in back, Jimmie middle, jungle jeff up front.
Former Navy bringing up the rear.

From our three-person canoe, the other Cub Scout Dad and I marveled at the earth’s tides as we gently paddled ahead of the boys. The ebb and flow of mother nature. Was there a secret message to humans? We talked also of cliches and sayings, wondering if there is a difference.

Nature ebbs and flows – “going with the flow” – is that the secret to life? Learning how to go with the flow? I wondered aloud if there’d be an iPhone with simply going with the flow. Seems there are times when we should be full-throttle pushing the limits. Right?

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How Do You Organize The Paperwork Of Your Life?

Looks like a mountain of paperwork, if you use your imagination.

Where we organize our paperwork at home is one thing, how we do it is entirely another matter. Just because I have a great view from my desk doesn’t mean the life’s in-box is  manageable. I keep files for:

  • Big ticket reference items that last a lifetime (mortgage, insurance, medical, bank, etc)
  • Current year files (bills only)
  • Home files (A-Z, everything that makes a house work, instructions, contracts, etc)
  • Work files (milestones, reviews, awards, etc)
  • Family memories (vacations, child, pet, etc)

Insight: The older we get, the more challenging it will be to manage the volume and the harder it is to let go of sentimental items. We must figure this out or get buried.

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