When people hate you, you are making progress

jeff noel disney consulting
First draft
jeff noel disney consulting
Second/final draft
MOO business card order
Ordered last night. The backs of the cards feature gapingvoid cartoons.


Is it Friday already? Yes.

Seriously, it snuck up on me.

Being decently organized is tougher when your wife is out of town for ten days.

It’s also tougher when you quit retire leave your dream job to become an entrepreneur who thinks he can change the world.

Staying up late and getting up early comes with the territory. Being decently organized has many purposes. One of which is to minimize late nights.

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Soar or sink?

Dancing with the Stars most inspiring contestants
Dancing with the Stars most inspiring contestant? Photo taken while watching TV.


Soar or sink?

His 9,000 pound Humvee was blown up by a roadside bomb. He lost an arm and a leg.

He was in deep, dark despair.

Saw him last night for the first time on Dancing with the Stars.

Courage amplified.

Today’s lunch meeting at Magic Kingdom with the CEO was already primed to be courage amplified, well before seeing the soldier above.

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Step up to the plate every single day

New Year's Resolutions


(photo: December 31, 2014 from a Senior Living Facility in Allentown, PA. The time and temperature on the bottom right are from Philly. It’s 25 here.)

The beautiful thing about writing five daily, differently-themed blogs is that every day is not a home run. But every day is an opportunity to step up to the plate and swing away.

Whatever it is you hope for, may you step up to the plate every single day.

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