i can handle no, but will you watch this 20-minute video right now?


Will you watch this 20-minute video right now?

(btw, i can handle no.)

The video is a story of a self-imposed experiment to live through rejection for 100 days.

Key takeaway when you get a no:

  • Ask the person, “Why?”
  • Mention and ask about something you’d be thinking if roles were reversed: For example, “Does my question sound weird?” This defuses emotional tension.
  • Don’t run. Rejection doesn’t define you, your reaction after the no defines you.


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Rejection and ridicule love traveling together

Walt Disney as boy
Walt Disney knew all about failure, and rejection. Photo source: Internet.


It’s been an interesting journey and i was reflecting on it yesterday when a LinkedIn connection said she reads my blog (as in singular).

All i could do was smile.


Because it almost takes a miracle for someone to figure out my blogging style on their own.

Interestingly enough, i no longer worry about it. That freedom from worry felt good.

No one has the context that one blog might lead to another blog by the same author, let alone four other blog posts (on four other websites) by the same author.

Being misunderstood, along with rejection, is part of the territory.

Also, having a vision that seems strange can label you as different, and leave you lonely. Feeling like an outlier is part of the journey too.

But the rejection and (invisible) ridicule are the bigger parts of the journey.

Radical ideas are always seen as crazy and stupid until enough time has passed (assuming the torch-bearer remains determined) for a critical mass to think it’s genius.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

What Would You Do?

If you knew you could not fail, what would you do differently?  Know what I’ve learned in 50 years? All these quotes, cliches, sayings, parables, etc. – they only work if you do.

“No rules for success will work if you don’t”.

“Everything takes longer than we think it will, or longer than we want it to”.

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”.

Quote me.  Love me.  Hate me.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is what you do.  Got it?

For anyone thinking it’s more sophisticated than this, it ain’t.  Carpe diem!