It’s so tedious, i run from it now

Quote about passion
From Facebook yesterday.


If we work to avoid criticism, we deny the beauty and greatness of what we set out to create when our youthful dreams ran wild and free.



It’s difficult to gain busy people’s attention.

And i’m not very good at it.


Because it doesn’t light my fire.

In fact, it’s so tedious, i run from it now.

But when i first began blogging in 2008, i thought if you wrote it, people would come.

Now i realize that can’t be the goal (for starters, it’s a lie – most bloggers fail miserably, and then quit).

So what is the goal from writing everyday? The goal is to suck the marrow out of life. To live a life with no regrets. Writing somehow magically ignites that.

We’re all busy bees aren’t we?

Today’s five (differently-themed) posts have a hidden message in what would appear, to a person in a hurry, to be a boring personal account of one single day.

The people who will benefit from the hidden message will find this voice comforting, and quite possibly inspiring.

It ain’t for everyone.

In fact, i’m certain that only dreamers, misfits, rebels, and the more recently coined “outliers” will find refuge and hope here.

If you’ve made it this far, smile and pat yourself on your back.

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

Now go, your day is waiting for you.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

The fear of mattering

Florida living weekend landscape chores
Yesterday morning, sitting on the front porch. Just above my toes, a 14-year old.


The fear of mattering is powerful enough to scare us into playing it safe.

We lean on our fairly disorganized life to create the perfect alibi for why we never come alive.

We take this to our grave.

i’ve organized every day (for 6+ years) to begin with two hours of thinking, reading, praying, and writing – for anyone with the guts to listen.

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Without soul, nothing much matters

Teddy Bear in Mickey Mouse Sweatshirt
Who carries a child’s teddy Bear on every trip? Is that soul?


When it comes to being decently organized at home, we all know what we should do, but without soul, we are not driven to persevere in doing it. Make sense? Look at it from a business perspective and it should become crystal clear.

If your organization doesn’t have a soul, then there’s nothing for your employees to protect. With nothing to protect, what’s the point?

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We see what we focus on

In the Mall window dressing at the clothing store, an antique industrial sewing machine. Can you spot the hidden Mickey quickly?


Disney Conference Speakers


Disney Conference Speakers


(photo: At the huge, upscale Mall with a million distractions on a Saturday night, immediately saw it without even trying.)

The team MLC is organizing will have many former Disney Cast Members. Why? Because they “get it”.

The team will also be diverse. Because it’s the Disney Way.

The team will also have impeccable morale values.


Because we see what we focus on.

An amazing future of contribution.

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