Q. What are the things you would grab if your home caught on fire?

iWorld Apple reseller in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
The Cloud has automatic backup of important things, but paper, not so much.


Q. What are the things you would grab if your home caught on fire and you could only save what you could carry in one quick exit?

A. The iPhone is probably already in a pocket, so yelling for Family and pet to exit would be first. If there was any chance after ensuring their safety, it would be two three-ring binders full of wisdom collected since the teenage years.

Insight: An exercise like this is fun and as a bonus, a vulnerability was exposed. There is no backup for those 40+ years of paper treasure.

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Note: Back-up was kept at work up until 2.5 years ago when the opportunity to work from home was offered.


The one phrase that haunts us

Black eyed susan
Find a million ways to have simplicity inspire us


The one phrase that haunts us:

But we may need it sometime.

This is true.

And rare.

The percentage of things we have that we never ever use again is astonishing.

Same with the percentage of things we will eventually need.

What we go through life never knowing is would the risk to shed our stuff lead us to a freedom and joy that is incomprehensible?

Anyone hoping to find out?

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We were convinced they were in the right order

Karma sign
What is karma? And is it important? And how or why/why not?


Ever have a few days with a string of events reminding you of the difficult nature of managing our priorities?

Our exposure to things we normally aren’t exposed to challenges the order of our priorities.

The very same priorities we were convinced were in the right order.

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