Organized to maximize

Family selfie
Getting ready to drive from Spring Grove to Allentown.


Nursing home selfie
Allentown, PA


Organized to maximize: time, fun, impact, memories.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

How do you prioritize cultural imperatives?

Disney cultural imperatives
My Disney University friend’s list on the right, mine on the left.


How do you prioritize cultural imperatives?
Yes, a Disney Cafeteria napkin.


How do you prioritize cultural imperatives?

One list, based on these organizational priorities:

  1. What is foundational?
  2. What is flexible?
  3. What is for the future?

Second list, in my own words:

  1. What must an employee know?
  2. What does an employee need to know?
  3. What is nice for an employee to know?

When time and or money are scarce, make sure whatever you do gets done in descending order, otherwise, you are not over managing with intentionality.

In fact, when we are not intentional, we are not creating “by design”.

Without an intentional design, we are accepting a culture by default – one that happens without guidance and without focus. This a is diseased culture; one that is hard to cure.




This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.

Rest is a weapon

Before going to bed last night, did we know our plan for when we awoke this morning? One priority was to photograph names of subdivisions behind Magic Kingdom, for a friend who wants to purchase a residence here.


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Residential neighborhoods behind Walt Disney World


Rest is a weapon against apathy and mediocrity.

Between ambition and being disorganized, we fight a battle with our time usage.

This will literally last a lifetime.

Consider one of my mantras:

The work day begins the night before.

It’s primary meaning is that we plan tomorrow’s priorities before we go to bed.

Of course, this is challenging, difficult even, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

It also means we should figure out how to be in bed early enough to allow for adequate and consistent rest. Simple, but not easy.

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Why aren’t we crystal clear with ourselves about this?

Disney University Lobby
Photo from earlier this week. A lifetime here is a heavy influence in how i think. In 1982, i worked on the second floor every Friday in Cast Activities.


It was weird in hindsight.

We talked at length yesterday about how powerful culture is. Everyone knows it’s critically important.

Yet like health, we don’t do much about it (today).

It’s something we save for when we have time.

The harsh reality is we never have time.

We aren’t organized enough to be crystal clear about our priorities.

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