Three most important things in real estate apply differently at home

baling hay
careful organization gets more bales on the truck


Three most important things in real estate apply differently at home.

In real estate, it’s location, location, location.

At home, it’s organize, organize, organize.

Not sorting your soup and vegetable cans in alphabetical order.

Having effective, efficient systems for getting the paperwork of (your) life done.

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The one overlooked goal for personal organization

The top row has all the social media I use each and every day. Easy access is key.

Midlife wellness

Everyday we see the piles, and the stuff we question why we still have it. And everyday we stall on throwing it out or donating it. Clutter is just that, clutter. It holds me us back.

What I’m thankful for is the one overlooked goal for personal organization. Which is not being perfectly organized, but to be very decently organized.

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Why personal organization is so critical for the long haul

Constantly tempted with too much information…

too much information

In our younger years, we need broad brush strokes of knowledge, because we really don’t know where we’re going (we think we do, but we know now that we didn’t).

Just as a backpacker carries way too much stuff in the early trips, with time, she discovers what’s really necessary.

We should never tire from learning, and seek it everywhere. We just need to be mindful about what we can carry with us for the long haul. This requires decent personal organization.

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Back to HQ reality

catch the donut on the pitchfork? ( I own, and use, a pitchfork)

We are all faced with interesting daily dynamics as we do what has to be done, when it has to be done, whether we feel like it or not. I don’t listen to music in the mornings while cranking out five blogs. On the weekends, it’s a different story.

I usually don’t write blogs ahead of time. Since January 2012, it’s been a different story. Lesson learned…I prefer writing and posting on the same day.

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PS. Without experimentation (entrepreneurial spirit), one never knows what one will never know.