Six years of diligent personal organization led to yesterday

Blck eyed susans gone to seed


(photo: University of Iowa bed of Black-Eyed Susans getting ready to move to the next chapter in their life cycle)

Six years of diligent personal organization can go by rather quickly.

Time waits for no one.

Pretty decent case for initiating our biggest dreams plans in life.

How long would you be willing to persevere in order to reach a dream?

Unlikely at 16 we had the vision for what we wanted to become at 21.

Not that crazy at 49 to envision what could happen at 55.

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Almost sickening how simple the concept is

Disney's Contemporary Resort at dawn
Conditions are rarely calm and peaceful, which would make handling pressure easier


To position ourselves to be able to make a more impactful contribution requires us to be extra-organized.

Almost sickening how simple the concept is.

Extraordinary is simply ordinary with something extra.

Why does this seem to be so challenging?

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What’s your impossible?

Mid Life Celebration book at Cleveland bookstore
Mid life Celebration greetings from Cleveland


To work full time traveling the globe and maintaining the roles most of us have as adults requires an organization (and patience) most would have bet money we’d never possess.

What’s our impossible?

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