Luck favors the prepared

Luck favors the prepared.

With each passing day, i see more clearly what the next steps should be.

Wasn’t prepared for Dawn to say yes to being my project manager two weeks ago.

This caught me off guard.

Wasn’t blind-sided, but also didn’t see it coming.

Calling GoDaddy today.


To create a fail safe way to build the new website separately from all my other digital assets.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


Being organized at home ripples into every corner of life

Windermere Prep High School lockers
Yesterday’s dry run bike ride to school. Included finding and opening locker.


Pretty organized yesterday.

Made hot breakfast for a 15-year old before sunrise.

Biked to school with our son, before sunrise.

The sun arose just as we arrived.

After a seven-mile round trip bike ride, logged a three mile jog that included a client call while jogging.

Finish writing five blogs before leaving the house.

Met with Lee Cockerell at ‘our’ Starbucks.

Gold’s Gym core workout afterwards, just down the street from Starbucks.

Met with a Disney colleague at My French Cafe. Paying it forward the way Lee helps me.

Scheduled first brainstorming session with Orlando client (signed three-day engagement contract two days ago).

Couple hours administrative work.

Asleep for a 30-minute nap at 6:30pm and didn’t awaken until 3:30am this morning.

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Biggest home April Fool ever?

Disney's Magic Kingdom Spring Break peak attendance days
Spring Break 2015 is in full swing. Yesterday, March 31, 10am.


It was probably foolish to waste nearly seven years of weekends looking for a lot near Disney World so we could build our dream home.

We had a crazy dream. It didn’t seem crazy at first because we were young, ignorant, and lacked the reality check of real estate truths.

Location, location, location equals unaffordable.

There’s another truth.

Luck favors the prepared.

At the end of a long, arduous journey, when we discovered a vacant two acre lot at a crazy price near Magic Kingdom, luck prevailed.

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Chance favors these people and always has

Orlando Leadership Disney Keynote Speakers


Orlando Leadership Disney Keynote Speakers


(photos: WordPress Word Camps happen across the globe. They will never have a Disney insider speak to them about how to run their business differently.)

Chance favors the prepared person.

When Mid Life Celebration incorporated January 1, 2009, the opportunity to purchase a Disney Institute (DI) keynote speech for a large (or any size actually), important conference seemed like it would always be a meeting or event planner’s option.

No longer.

DI has grown and adapted to the marketplace and the market place is requesting deeper and longer engagements.

This makes the single, one-off Disney keynote speech option obsolete.

In layman’s terms DI has evolved into delivering quality, long term engagements over quantity (60-90 minute one-time keynotes), meaning they have fewer clients – yet they are busier than ever because of the broad and deep level of engagement with those clients.

Never saw this coming.

Am delighted, though, to be in the midst of this moment in time.

Call or email if you are interested in a Disney keynote speech without having to invest hundreds of thousands (at a minimum) of dollars.

407-538-4341  |  [email protected]

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