Ever wonder what earns a person the label entrepreneur or game changer? What drives them? What makes them so lucky or fortunate to rise above all the others chasing the same dream?
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Ever wonder what earns a person the label entrepreneur or game changer? What drives them? What makes them so lucky or fortunate to rise above all the others chasing the same dream?
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Two compelling book titles in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport a few months ago. We can surmise that being great (left book) is done on purpose, and being bad (stinky, right book) is done by not being on purpose. This is the Midlife Movement and the Midlife Herd in a weird analogy. The truth (in these book titles) is rather harsh, isn’t it. So is midlife.
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Boomers, go look in the mirror at your naked body. Then find a quiet place, outside preferably, to see your naked soul. And is your attitude riddled with blind spots you should fix, or do you ooze positivity, faith? Are you doing work you love? Is your home and life decently organized or messy?
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One of the main, insidious reasons our nation is in an obesity epidemic is because when young look at old, they see what they think is an inevitable jail sentence.
What if the nationwide health landscape for older Americans, especially Baby Boomers, looked vibrant, happy, healthy, active and alive?
PS. This is Mid Life Celebration’s 5,000th blog post. Wanted to commemorate this prolific blogging milestone on 11.11.11
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Of all the temptations midlife Baby Boomers face, thinking our personal example doesn’t matter is perhaps the worst.
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