This means nothing to literally all but a dozen people in the world

Disney Way Keynote Speaker
Someday the one on the right will read Mid Life Celebration. He’ll decide when.


This means nothing to literally all but a dozen people in the world:

The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger.

It started simply as a desperate attempt to develop a writing habit strong enough to start, finish, and publish a book he’d promised to write 30 years prior.

It began without an ounce of fanfare April 1, 2009. Write five daily, differently-themed blogs – one blog for each of life’s five big choices.

Do this for 100 consecutive days. That ought to be catalytic enough to get a book on Amazon and Kindle.

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Steve Jobs would have turned 60 tomorrow

Graphic design 101


Graphic design 101


Graphic design 101
Use one or the other, but not both.


Steve Jobs would have turned 60 tomorrow. No man on jeff noel’s Dad’s side of the family lived past 60. As he approaches his 56 birthday, he (as we all should) is mindful of a ticking clock.

He’s not afraid of 60 as the end.

He’s actually insanely cognizant that none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

Yet he is racing as if 60 is all he’ll get.

A deadline makes decisions more important and excuses irrelevant.

Photo: Taken from Google search.

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