Pretty close.
And you?
Let’s stick together, support one another, and stay calm during this stormy time in modern history.

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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Pretty close.
And you?
Let’s stick together, support one another, and stay calm during this stormy time in modern history.
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Simple is elusive.
Focus is elusive.
Determination is elusive.
Humility is elusive.
Unless your life purpose is clear.
Reading yesterday’s post had me question my humility. You read it and you saw “I did”.
The thing you should understand (in case you don’t) is that there are many people who can tell you what should be done and why, but they themselves can not – not nearly to the extent they preach.
It seemed to me, there was an opportunity for a common man (perhaps a Father) to step up and try it differently.
The love of a pet, for some people, is indescribably real and strong.
The loss of a pet, for some people, is heartbreaking, gut wrenching.
Journaling, is therapeutic for some people.
Two out of three isn’t bad.
We all have addictions.
“No we don’t”, is the echo we can hear from some of you.
“Yes we do”, is the echo we can hear from some others, including myself.
Is it hereditary? Click here to read this article that suggests it is.
Pick your poison:
Approval, chocolate, work, sex, TV, food, Internet, exercise, reading, pessimism, optimism, Love, Faith, Hope, Money, shopping, volunteering, excuses, greed, jealously, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, pain, pleasure, video games, gambling, competition, failure, success, nicotine, etc.
A word is worth a thousand pictures.
Cheryl, my wife.
They don’t make ’em prettier or smarter.
I’m blaming her for loving me.