Bob Asked, Are You Still Writing Five Blogs Everyday?

jeff noel Midlife runner
jeff noel Midlife runner
jeff noel Midlife runner

My friend asked, “Are you still writing five blogs everyday?” We hadn’t seen each other in nearly a year. Others will ask, “Are you still running?”

No one ever asks me, “Are you still praying everyday?” It seems unnatural to have any answer other than yes.

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jeff noel Almost Snorted Milk Out His Nose, Until The Long, Thunderous Standing Ovation

Yesterday’s photo of YMCA’s vision almost made jeff noel snort milk out his nose. But after that first obscure emotion, a new one emerged. An emotional feeling more like a long, thunderous, standing ovation.

Wipe obesity off the map? How dare someone shout such an impossible claim! Hell yeah!

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Sad That jeff noel Fails. Exciting That He Doesn’t Quit.

Really? Do They Really Think They Can Wipe Obesity Off The Map?

October and November (2011) should be the craziest and most interesting blogging months jeff noel has ever anticipated at Mid Life Celebration.

This month (September) has been a warmup. After 4,600 posts, jeff noel has his sights set on helping others in a different way. Same goal, unique approach.

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How Can It Be Sad And Exciting At The Same Time?

Sad the cream is melting. Exciting because...I have an ice cream cone!

Reflecting back on yesterday’s blog post. Sure, it’s really sad most people can’t manage balance. It’s exciting because jeff noel is willing and able to try a different approach.

jeff noel fails, sure. Gives up, never.

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