Hold on, please, just hold on

Notes on Walt Disney World stationary
One small email, one small change, can have massive ripple effects


Hold on, please, just hold on. This is what we can whisper (or shout if necessary) to ourselves when our in-box overwhelms us.

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Part of being organized is creating or securing funds for future projects

Precision Landscape landscaping project
The project is shaping up, thanks to accessible funds


Who teaches us work life balance? Who shows us the way? Who tells us the truth?

Part of being organized is creating or securing funds for future projects.

Balance can elude us until we accept that fact that there are five big buckets (choices) in life.

  1. mental health
  2. physical health
  3. emotional health
  4. career health
  5. home health

Getting motivated is the beginning. Staying there our entire lifetime is the real work.

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