You know the half-hearted exercise of asking, “What makes you come alive?”
How’s that working out?
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
You know the half-hearted exercise of asking, “What makes you come alive?”
How’s that working out?
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Being organized as a busy working person means finding ways to be effective, hassle-free, and compelling when interfacing with potential clients.
From Lee Cockerell’s speaking endorsement and referral two days ago, Mid Life Celebration is on the verge of signing the first contract, at full price, $16k.
From nothing to something in three days. The gig is exactly a week from today at Orlando’s Marriott World Center.
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Note: Recently raised keynote speaking fee to $21k. Reasons. Compelling ones.
(photo: jeff noel started Mid Life Celebration, LLC to generate profit to donate to the good people searching for a cure.)
What’s it gonna be in 2015? More of 2014?
Executives and Meeting Planners looking for a breakthrough keynote speaker in 2015?
A focused, disciplined way that has worked for decades at Disney?
The perfect keynote serves as a catalyst and an astonishing catalyst compels people to be brave enough to burn their ships.
[email protected] • 407-538-4341 •
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(photo: Uncle Grandpa lives for one purpose and one purpose only… to help kids)
Mid Life Celebration lives for one purpose and one purpose only.
To inspire Baby Boomers do something great before they die.
Today’s home thought continues with a mental thought for the day at the Next Blog
(photo: Mid Life Celebration logo has a story going all the way back to 1979)
Every person has a story.
Every company has a story.
What they both have to decide is whether there’s anyone who cares to hear it.
And why would anyone care to hear it?
Something about being alive to serve and not be served?
Switch to the Mind Blog