HQ means Head Quarters.
The place where the most important people and stuff reside.
And by stuff, i mean everything, including our attitude about our responsibility to remain vibrantly healthy.
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
HQ means Head Quarters.
The place where the most important people and stuff reside.
And by stuff, i mean everything, including our attitude about our responsibility to remain vibrantly healthy.
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In five years will the first generation Apple Watch seem archaic? When i open the box later today, it will feel like a high tech game-changing device.
It’s pretty cool to treat it as a tool to use rather than some status symbol.
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Apple watch arrives today, 46 days after being one of the first to order it at 12:01am PCT on April 10 (the first day it was offered to the world).
Delivery notes where sent in an email shortly after ordering. It would ship in June. To which i joking asked myself, “June 1 or June 30?”
So, it arrives May 26.
Haven’t told anyone except Cheryl.
Why would i?
Simply experimenting with better ways to deliver on the promise to help make the world a better place.
i have intentionally not worn a watch for the past 20 years, and have no intentions of ever wearing one again.
So what’s changing? You did, after all, order the Apple Watch.
i now see it as wearing a computer. This is not the same.
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Be organized enough to back up your good and decent actions with icons, phrases, and original quotes.
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The only way to lead is by example.
We know this.
Doesn’t matter what we know though, does it?
Figure it out.
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