I Am A Thinker

I think my pocket camera is a David versus Goliath.

I am a thinker. The unexamined life, they say, is not worth living. Seek out quiet, inspiring places to think deeply, in precious solitude. A simple, quiet porch as the sun rises or sets. In the shade of an old oak tree, with only the sound of the wind to distract you.

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I Am Driven To Help Others Think, Smile, And Be Grateful

Driven to see the same things everyone sees, but differently.

Dear Son, I am driven to help others think, smile, and be grateful.

And I mean seriously think. Deeply think. Transformational-type thinking. And smile because you’re happy, for everything, since you’re grateful heart can not stop giving thanks.

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Dear Son Be Very Careful With Your Pride

Serving others when you would rather relax is the cost of admission.
Adults relax a bit while the students learn to serve.
To serve. To strive. And not to yield.

Dear Son, I am not a prideful man. Guard your confidence with humility. Let humility rain supreme. You will almost always know when to showcase your pride, and do it ever so briefly. For example, when you become a Father, Grandfather, or achieve a significant milestone – recognize the significance, bask briefly, then return quickly to a humble servanthood.

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