At some point, working for Walt Disney World became compelling

Orlando based leadership speaker jeff noel's logo


January 25, 1982 and September 27, 1984 are both listed as ‘hire dates’.

The second date is used to track ‘full-time longevity’.

In six weeks, the service pin changes to 30.

As our biological clocks tick by, we have the prerogative to relish the moments. To bask in the sum of our career contribution.

Or not.

It’s a choice.

Only one person focuses on it.

The CEO.

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And there is no escaping from the ripple effects of that

Disneyland Jungle Cruise attraction
Read the sign above… there is no escaping the need to be organized


No escaping the need to be organized.

We don’t have to be decently organized.

And there is no escaping from the ripple effects of that.

They just keep getting bigger (and worse).

It may take a wake up call or extraordinary discomfort to simplify.

Only one person grants permission for the choice to go or not go.

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The days seem too short too often…

Storyteller's Cafe sign at Disney's Grand Californian Resort
The days seem too short too often…


At the Happiest Place on Earth for eight days. So far it’s looking like there will be very little opportunity to see much of it.

Making eight hours sleep a priority cuts into available free time. Making time to exercise also cuts into it.

Note: Did have the coolest backstage tour yesterday which was unplanned and remarkably treasured.

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