Finally realized why it’s tough to commit sometimes

Business meeting outside a Publix
This breakfast meeting two days ago lasted three hours, because neither was over-scheduled.


A friend is bringing his lovely family from Ohio to Walt Disney World in two weeks. And it is in our trying to schedule time together that a blind spot was revealed just a few minutes ago while waiting for the microwave to finish heating a cup of water.

He’s here for one week. i’m out of town for three days, leaving us four days, including two weekend days, which i try to keep for Family. When you are out of town, your schedule is busier for a few days after you return, simply because you were out of town. You miss three days of normal daily chores. So you add those in upon your return and they appear on days where they normally don’t – so several normal busy days become busier busy days.

i’d like to play it by ear. He’d like to know in advance.

With his visit, time is exceptionally precious because he’s at WDW attempting to make the most of every minute.

On the other hand, i’m at WDW (home) too, but i’m trying to not over schedule my days because too many unexpected things happen. Having white space allows for them.

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Theory this

Publix sweet cream butter
No longer using processed margarine. Suger elimination is on the radar as well.


Over the years, we develop theories about what we are capable of – and then we spend the rest of our days trapped in these theories.

Seven months without coffee or diet coke.

More than a month of zero emails for in-box, sent, and deleted folders.

And i told myself, “Never in a million years.”

So, a new question to keep asking myself, “What else are you carrying around that you believe to be impossible, you know, a theory?”

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Busiest Summer in 31 years?

Disney Motivational Speaker
Entrepreneurial spirit is being over managed.


Busiest Summer in 31 years? From July 4 – August 16:

  • Seven days on Sanibel Island.
  • One day at home.
  • Five days in Glacier National Park.
  • 4 days home.
  • Three days in Jacksonville.
  • 4 days home.
  • Four days in the Smokey Mountains.
  • 7 days home.
  • Eight days in France.

All of these trips have been self-imposed, versus dictated by a corporate gig.

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No inbox emails allowed to carry over?

Sanibel Island Sunset 2015
Last night’s first sunset. We were late to the party.


No inbox emails allow to carry over?

Crazy goal, and always reminded that if your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

This morning marks the completion of three consecutive and successful days.

Update October 13, 2015: It’s been over 10o consecutive days. No one is more stunned than me. It was only to last while we spent eight days at the beach.

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