The answer is always no to the question we fail to ask

Manhattan Map from Midtown Tunnel to Crowne Plaza Times Square
Manhattan Map from Midtown Tunnel to Crowne Plaza Times Square


Times Square has inspired a bit of risk taking…

Dear readers, asking a question without any expectation? Would you consider writing a brief book review on Amazon? The goal would be to offer a variety of perspectives on what resonated – so that others might consider purchasing.

Grateful and without expectation.

The answer is always no to the question we fail to ask.

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Won’t tell you how to be authentic, but will point the way

Amazon Sales Rank screen shot
Amazon Sales Rank a new shiny object clamoring for attention


What’s up?
Surfing through FB, right?
Tryin’ to keep up.
Looking for a laugh.
Or some hope.
Or courage.
Or just checking on a friend or loved one.
Can’t guarantee the book will change your life, but…
can guarantee it will stimulate your thinking like you haven’t felt in a long, long time.
Saying that with remarkable confidence.
And that, fellow traveller, may be the catalyst that changes everything.
Won’t tell you how to be authentic.
But will point the way.
Peace and blessings immeasurable.

Next time you’re on Amazon type: midlife celebration

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Any recent life changing milestones come your way?

Mid Life Celebration was the last stop at 6:30pm
Mid Life Celebration was the last stop at 6:30pm


Mid Life Celebration was the last stop at 6:30pm
Mid Life Celebration was the last stop at 6:30pm


The pallet arrived last night, in the dark, three days before Winter Solstice.

The pallet fit comfortably in the garage where space had been cleared in the morning.

After baking a frozen pizza, we watched the X-Factor final.

Tonight we will gather around the TV to watch Alex and Sierra win.

And some time before that, try to wrap our arms around those 36 boxes of Mid Life Celebration books.

What is the X-Factor?

Is it limited to singing competitions?

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RIP Nelson Mandela (December 5, 2013)

Two great books about rockstars
One legendary rockstar (Jimmy page), one unheralded rockstar (for now)


We make excuses, we live with regret, we get second chances, but yet we wait for permission. This might be a great time to let you know there’s a book out there that will inspire the ready person to grant themselves permission. – jn

There is no passion to be found in settling for a life less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela (RIP yesterday, December 5, 2013)

If inclined, go to Amazon, type jeff noel.

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