The main reason short and pithy blog posts usually don’t work

blogging style
consistently changing and evolving the look but not the essence
blogging tip
close up view

Most people want to be spoon fed. I get that, and appreciate my own fair share of “just tell me what to do”. But this is not the place for that. Short and pithy has it’s place. Here. Nearing 6k posts, without wavering. Ever wonder why? How?

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PS. Ever wonder why, how, for yourself? This is deceptively important.

Revolving door number five (of five)

HQ: jeff is the fifth and final blog in the series of five

Happy Saturday. Taking a minute to visit redundancy-land. I write five daily, different blogs because life has five big choices – my recipe for work life balance.

So after reading this blog (our hq), the two words below are your fast pass to read about our mental responsibility.

Simply click the bolded word below to go to the…

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When Do You Stop Working?

Not everything is as it appears. (this is Disney's Contemporary Resort)

Ha! Normally, well, more like compulsively, I write five blog posts before the sun comes up. It’s 9:15pm as I begin this post. This may seem like trivial, boring detail in the life of someone most of you barely know. That’s the compelling thing about why I write. What seems trivial isn’t.

For example: What promises do you make to yourself, and fulfill, no mater what?

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Categorized as Blog Stuff

9 Blogging Milestones I Never Saw Coming

One day, years from now, this will look similar to yesterday's blog photo.

Nine blogging milestones I never saw coming:

  1. The simple act of daily blogging (a goal but perhaps unachievable).
  2. Writing five daily blogs instead of one (like normal people).
  3. Reaching the 100-day challenge goal to write all five daily blogs.
  4. Adding a photo with each post (humans are, after all, very visual).
  5. Adding easy, one-click hyperlinks on every post (to go to next blog).
  6. Shortening each post’s length (as a former boss said, “short & pithy”).
  7. Reaching the 3,000th post (Halloween 2010, scary).
  8. Reaching the 5,000th post (11.11.11).
  9. Writing 90-days ahead (Jan. 2012).

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In case you haven’t already heard, congress is currently reviewing new bills that threaten the very fabric of the internet. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill, and it’s sister bill, Protect IP Act (PIPA), are currently working their way through the United States Congress and the Senate. If these bills pass any copyright holder can simply allege a site infringes on their copyright and the site could be redirected at the DNS level and be cut off from all major ad services and payment processing services – all without any trial or due process of any kind. It’s scary stuff, but we won’t rehash the full issue here. Read this post, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to learn more about this issue.