I Am: An Older Category That I’m Revisiting This Month

The law of attraction works in mysterious ways, but it always works.

Dear Son, you know the funny thing about all the writing (5.3k posts) I’ve done on the Mid Life Celebration blogs? You don’t, do you?

Well actually, I didn’t either, but as I type these very words, it’s starting to come to me, the realization that when you do the right things for the right reasons…

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Organized, Disorganized, Or Somewhere In Between

The key is to never tire of getting and staying decently organized.

Dear Son, I am decently organized. And I’m decently disorganized. And sometimes, I’m somewhere in between. We all are.

As you go through life, try to spend most of your time in the decently organized category. Dude, seriously, life will chew you up and spit you out if you don’t stay on top of this.

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CEO Of You, Inc

You are in charge of everything. Yes, everything.

jeff noel.com

I’m the CEO of me, Inc.

You’re the CEO of You, Inc.

The degree to which we organize our lives is the degree to which we struggle or survive.

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The Only Way To Think About 2012 Is With No Limits

Re:Whatever your heart desires in 2012...

Ruin and recovering are both from within. – Epictetus

Whatever failures or mediocre successes we’ve had in the past don’t matter anymore. What matters is our belief in ourselves. This mountain is climbed one step at a time. Go. Let’s go.

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