Year End Holidays Bombard Us With Messages

Midlife Celebration Wishes You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas

‘Tis the season, isn’t it? The season to buy stuff, wrap stuff and give stuff. And if we’ve been good – to get stuff. This year 1,800+ Midlife Celebration blog posts have been freely shared to help you think, smile and be grateful. I wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas.

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Baby Boomer And Midlife Wellness Expert, jeff noel, Thinks Christmas Makes Us Brave

Midlife Celebration

Baby Boomer and midlife wellness expert, jeff noel, thinks Christmas makes us brave. How so? If a King was in our midst to lead us, a King above all Kings, would that make us cower or cheer?

The Heavenly glory that Christmas’ promise fulfills is that we finally have a Savior to lead us. Can you think of anything more inspiring than to have the Prince of Peace finally arrive?

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Go, Or Go Home

Midlife Celebration knows we're all going to die sometime

Midlife Celebration is certain about one thing. All of us will die sometime. Should we avoid thinking about our own death? Should we fear it? Should we try to hide from death?

jeff noel thinks every aging Baby Boomer ought to put up or shut up. Sure that’s a bit brutal. So is heart disease. Go. Live, before you die. Because if we don’t, we might as well just go home and turn on the TV and stick our heads in the sand.

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The Glorious Part Of Risk During Midlife Is That It’s Even Riskier To Not Take The Risk

There's small risk, like climbing a little higher for a seat...
And then there's huge risk, having a dream many aren't ready for...

Both photos were taken from the same spot. But both have very different interpretations, although the theme (risk) is the same.

Some midlife adults take small risks and a few go large. But most Baby Boomers do neither. If you’re reading this, this either excites you or you’ll never come back. Perfect!

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