Faith, Hope, And Love

Oh, and don't forget a little bit of pixie dust...

Every tribe, every family, and every nation that prospers has faith, hope and love as a common foundation. My Church helped reveal this as self-evident. I simply imagined a society with one or more of these three missing. I can’t.

Insight: There are key, non-negotiable ingredients to every successful recipe.

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The Best Way To See The Power Of An Organized Life Is to Imagine Living Life The Opposite

Perfection, but only in the first hours of opening day.

Yin and yang. Life and death. Organized and disorganized. Healthy and unhealthy. Love and hate. Justice and injustice. When I started looking at life this way, the definitive answers came quickly.

Insight: Life can be explained without research and statistics.

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The Best Way To Discover Self-Evident Truths

Why did Noah need two of every animal?

I’ve always been challenged to want to unquestionably understand the definitive simplicity of any subject. And every subject has this. Can the most important lessons in life be ridiculously simple? For example, is the meaning of life really as simple as – to love and be loved?

Insight: Imagine living life with only one or neither and the answer quickly becomes self-evident.

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I Used My Church And The Chain Of Excellence As A Benchmark

The door(s) to opportunity are not clearly marked, so literally try every door you can get your hands on.


I used my Church and the legendary chain of excellence as a benchmark for creating my personal priorities, in a dramatic effort to become a great parent. I call these five priorities “Life’s Big Choices“.

Common sense Insight: Some truths only become self-evident when you try to live without them.

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Be Thankful For The Mountain Of Work We Need To Climb Every Day?

Try to get our proverbial ducks (or geese) in a row.

Yes, be thankful for a tremendous workload. It teaches us how to overcome big obstacles, how to overcome daily pressure, how to prioritize, and how to relate to others who are going through the same thing.

Timeless Insight: Prioritization is the key to putting effective processes in place to manage the paperwork of life.

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