Just do it sounds easy

democracy? simple, but not easy

Simple doesn’t mean easy. Just do it! Simple.

Easy? Not for a minute.


(simple, but not easy – yet what if you never stopped saying go, then what?)

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The misunderstood paradox of simplification

surprised look
don't look so surprised...

People think that simplification will make their lives easy. It doesn’t. And this leads to terminal apathy, excuses, and ultimately, quitting.

What everyone ought to consider then is this – simplification makes your life easier (not easy). Easier. Get it? Easier.

Seriously, imagine life without simplifying it.

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Why you should make changes even if no one notices

an almost imperceptible little detail...momma and her babies

Why make unnoticeable changes? Because people do notice, even when we think they don’t. This is a blessing and a curse. A curse when we have annoying blind spots and a blessing when we exploit a favorable detail.

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