Happy birthdays to all in the Family

a life of anecdotes
an anecdote is a short and amusing or interesting account, which may be real or not

Birthdays come and birthdays go. Today, happy birthday to all in the Family:

  • Johnny – Feb 1, 1926 (87)
  • Margie – Feb 3, 1923 (90)
  • Cheryl – Feb 4, 1958 (55)
May this be one of your best ever.

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Today, my goal is to purge as much as possible

I’ll take the two in the bottom left corner… all the others can go

Today, my goal is to purge as much as possible. The challenge, we are afraid to let go of material things. Yet, we possess another fear – what if our lives would be dramatically better without most of our things?

Are we afraid to live simply? Are we afraid of how it would force us to focus more keenly on the few things we have, instead of numbing ourselves with rooms full of distractions?

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The fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

100 consecutive hours is a long stretch of time
work life balance
same but different

Partying and wild times are stereotypical Saturday night activities, as is sitting in a Church pew on Sunday morning. Depending how long you go at it Saturday night, you may still smell of the good time in Church. Yet they are two distinct arenas.

Where does a traveling business professional distinguish time for work and time for life? A five day trip leaves a person gone from home 100 hours.

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PS. Open-ended post on purpose.