Yep, five-a-day, even if it takes all day

Family in stand at Track Meet
Family surprised me by stopping by the meet (umbrella for shade)


Tent city lined the south and west sides of Lake Brantley High School  track stadium
Tent city lined the south and west sides of Lake Brantley High School track stadium


Bantom division runner holding ears for starter's pistol shot
Bantom division runner holding ears for starter’s pistol shot


Women's elite 400 meter runners
Women’s elite 400 meter runners


When we think of the promises we make to others and to ourselves, do we ever consider our list’s length?

We’re probably most successful if it’s a short list. Think about it.

Anyone have a promise to themselves that’s less than five years old?

For 40 months now you’ve had the opportunity to read five daily, differently-themed blogs about Life’s Big Choices.

The photos above are from today’s Track Meet.

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So incredibly grateful are we when inspiration blesses us

classy sherbet, fruit, and chocolate dessert combo
Inspiration is the main course, not just dessert


So incredibly grateful are we when inspiration blesses us.

Inspiration is high octane fuel.

Powering our dreams.

Easing the heavy work load by making it feel less like work.

Can we ever tire of inspiration?

Where do we find an endless supply?

At what cost?

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Could we organize our lives around this insane proposition?

Hospital art featuring Jesus Christ
Adventist Hospitals are Christian based not-for-profit hospitals


Could we organize our lives around this insane proposition?

Everyone we love is going to die.

Would a deep consciousness help us plan our time better, invest our energy more wisely, and sharpen our intuition on what’s wasteful?

And could we love them disproportionately more than if we didn’t think this way?

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Trying to seriously not take ourselves too seriously

Brownies from work
Brownies from work


Growing up surrounded by high achievers, it’s easy to believe excellent results are the only acceptable standard.

Obsessive compulsive?


Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Amelia Erhart, they all had only one standard.

Working with them would necessitate our standard rising to theirs.

Much can be assumed from this exposure. This is amplified proportionately to the years (or decades) exposed.

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