Be organized enough to manage your biggest dreams

Dog surrounded by loving children
What inspires us to not quit? Family? A dog? A child? What?


Be organized enough to manage your biggest dreams.

Last night watching Oprah’s Master Class show, featuring Jay-Z and his thoughts, insights, and advice on life.

His first album Reasonable Doubt is a classic Rap album, but wasn’t a huge commercial success. So his second album he tried harder to be more commercially popular and financially successful.

He succeeded.

He hated it.

Selling out.

Those who know what Jay-Z is talking about find this one of the most important decisions a person can make.

Choosing to be happy creating their art, versus chasing the big bank account.

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It’s a good frightened

Christian fish outline from mowing design in grassy field
Give a woman a fish or teach her to fish – joy either way


What is a good frightened? Some people are so self-aware that it is frightening, because it actually scares others unintentionally. Not many of us would admit that an authentically self-aware person intimidates us.

If you carry uncommon self-awareness with you, walk softly.

And smile.

Always smiling.

Enjoy your blessings today. All day.

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How is our HQ?

Apple display nearing 50-billiion apps downloaded
Devices and apps make HQ portable


How is your HQ?

We all have a headquarters, a corporate office if you will.

It’s the place where we conduct the business of managing our life.

It may be a room, a building, a device, or all of these together.

How is all that working out?

Are we satisfied?

Theses are typical daily questions I ask myself.

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Was organized enough to surprise two friends

McDonald's to go bag and two Marriott room keys
Do unto others


Was organized enough to surprise two friends after the track workout. Jogged to McDonalds, returning from the track, for some egg McMuffins to go. Made it back to Marriott in plenty of time to eat and shower.

Slid a room key – with concierge lounge (free breakfast buffet) access – under each of my friend’s doors and texted them this photo with a note.

Was organized enough, and not in such a hurry, to think this nice surprise through.

We know this.

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