I often wonder if a childless parent (say me) would sacrifice a limb to gain a child

adult male leg amputee
jeff noel’s leg in foreground, waiting for a haircut (an utterly random moment)


A person like this has two choices:

  1. Mourn the loss of a leg
  2. Rejoice the gift of a leg

This is a test we all want to pass, but none of us want to take.

I often wonder if a childless parent (say me) would sacrifice a limb to gain a child.

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How many times have we told this lie to others?

Seattle cross walk
Everyone is waiting, but not patiently


How many times have we told this lie to others?

We promise something is on the very near horizon, but never get it done. Never ship.

Getting closer to what I promised years ago was soon to come.

Day by day.

Dear readers, there is no turning back now.

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The art of overcoming our blind spots

Insightful website tag line
Jerry Smith offers an intriguing insight


The art of overcoming our blind spots.

  • admit we have them
  • admit we are oblivious to them
  • study what we see in others
  • what we see in others contains our strengths and opportunities
  • use our observations to get to the truth
  • forgive others for not telling us
  • forgive ourselves for not telling others

Go on about our day applying what we’ve learned.

All day.


Peace and blessings immeasurable to you.

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Some tough choices are not life threatening

barnes and Noble Business books display
All these authors have a dream


Some tough choices are not life threatening.

Go to the monthly WordPress Orlando meetup?

Stay at home as the boys wake up and cook them breakfast?

Would rather stay home.

The book has a deadline.

This is the struggle we all face.

And it is often challenging to balance the tangible with the intangible.

This happens almost daily, if not multiple times a day.

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