Appreciate your authenticity (honesty) in sharing that

Walt Disney World entrance sign
Disney isn’t mentioned once in the book


Appreciate your authenticity (honesty) in sharing that.

The vision for the book was to help a young man (now only 13) think about the future.

And to be crystal clear with him that everything is a choice.

And that we are in charge of our choices.

And that our choices have outcomes.

And we are never locked into bad or good choices.

However, we will develop habits.

And to be really, really intentional about which habits we create (and avoid).

Wishing you nothing but the best.

Have read the book 21 times since its been in print.

Each time it is more inspiring, more validating.

More important.

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Take solace that this is normal

Time Square street snack vendor
There is comfort and beauty in organized systems and processes, even with candy in NYC


Sometimes we can be pretty decently caught up with the paperwork of life and in the span of 48 hours become overwhelmed with the sudden influx of things to address.

Take solace that this is normal.

Imagine the influx if we weren’t decently organized.

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No rest for the weary

Times Square deserted at 6am
Times Square 6am Sunday morning – who knew?


No rest for the weary.

If the world is heavy and challenging for us, hang in there.

Do a little everyday to dig out.

We surrender when we stop digging.

And this also commits us to a downward spiral.

Dig a little bit everyday.

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