Challenged him to figure it out in the next 14 days

Honeymoon bicycle trip
Organized to drive from Washington State University to Walt Disney World to start a new life.


Challenged him to figure it out in the next 14 days.

To prepare for the imminent changes in his life that High School will thrust upon him.

To up his game in owning and making the decisions that affect his life.

Less parenting, more empowering.

Scaling initiative.

To be prepared for life on his own.

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Get them to beg for mercy

Landscaping truck near Disney World
Who’s looking after your temptations to quit?


Organized to make stuff happen?

The temptation to give in to the constant pressure, and life’s unpredictability is often overwhelming.

Get used to it.

Let it piss you off.

Let it compel you to commit to slaying it.

Let your determination to succeed be enough to get your temptations to quit…to beg for mercy.

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Be passionate, tell stories, use personal examples

Small plane buzzing Chimney Rock
Two days ago i was quick to see this opportunity. It was gone in seconds.


Stayed up past midnight to watch Bridges of Madison County with Cheryl.

Had it not been for the Fraternity reunion, i probably wouldn’t have.

The organization that 35 young men demonstrated to go from being a “Colony” to getting the official Sigma Phi Epsilon “Charter” is what makes this “Fraternity” reunion different. It’s not open to the entire Fraternity, only those 35 who laid the foundation.

This bond cannot be broken.

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