Pushy Is As Pushy Does

Want A Push?
Want A Push?

Pushy people have an agenda, don’t they?

Pushy people want to get ahead, or be first, or take credit, or make others look bad.

Pushy people also think everyone else should know what’s going on and if you don’t, pushy people will find a way to make you uncomfortable.

Why is that?


Or maybe we (society) have it all wrong.

Maybe pushy people are a gift.

Maybe pushy people aren’t in it for the reasons we think they are.

Maybe we are ignorant and ineffective, for not recognizing what a pushy person brings to the table.

One thing for certain, I am sure of my uncertainty.

Categorized as I Am

New Series Coming Here

You're A Hoser, Eh?
You're A Hoser, Eh?

Humans hate pushy people.

But we’d be lost without them, wouldn’t we?

I mean, without pushy people, what would humans talk and gossip about? And who would they blame and judge, if not for pushy people?

Pushy people, in general, are obnoxious, self-centered (it seems), and egotistical. Just to name a few.

However, there’s something special about pushy people.

And most never come to realize the gift pushy people bring to our lives.

And right now you’re probably saying, “What the heck are you talking about?”

And don’t you hate when pushy people just leave you hanging?

New Process?

Today’s post follows this “header” post.

Follow The Process?
Follow The Process?


This Mid Life Celebration post explains it.

It’s new.

It’s simpler.

It’s easier.

It’s important, because it explains how to easily click through all five daily blogs, without any hassle.

Meanwhile, please scroll down for today’s daily post.

Been A Year!

Luck Or Sheer Determination (or Both)?
Luck Or Sheer Determination (or Both)?

A week ago, you heard me promise to share two milestones that happened:

  • By luck
  • By sheer determination

One year ago today, I challenged myself to two things.  One was simple and seemed easy enough.

The other was only supposed to last 100 days – a 100 day challenge to “force” myself to develop a daily writing habit.

Everyday for the past year, these things happened, and today marks the one-year anniversary:

  • Starting each day on my knees
  • Writing five daily blogs

Amazing, transformational things have resulted.

Describe Your Amazing Day

America's Spirit Is AMAZING!
America's Spirit Is AMAZING!

Bet you have amazing days once in awhile, right? Not talking about a good day, or even a pretty good day. The difference here is that we describe the day as AMAZING!

Can you picture one of your AMAZING days? What made it AMAZING? Did you have to work at it, or did it just come naturally.

Sunday was an AMAZING day! You heard Monday that I may or may not share why. Well, here’s why:

Lector at Church.  Plus, served as “Narrator” at Church for Passion Sunday. (To serve God during Easter is AMAZING)

Short but good core workout at Gold’s Gym before lunch. (Brief, but important workout didn’t get postponed)

Good business meeting after lunch. (working on Family project every Sunday since October)

Then, another great meeting with an old friend that we twice bred our first Lab with. (hadn’t seen Brian in 25 years)

Short 20-minute nap. (a rare, highly-coveted treat)

Then Cub Scout Awards banquet, watching our son receive his Bear Cub award. (teaching a child values and confidence is priceless)

To top it all off, movie night, watching “The Blind Side”. (Precious family time on a touching, thought-provoking movie)

A day so full of balance, worship, family time, and meaningful activity.

A day so rare, it was AMAZING!