Bet you have amazing days once in awhile, right? Not talking about a good day, or even a pretty good day. The difference here is that we describe the day as AMAZING!
Can you picture one of your AMAZING days? What made it AMAZING? Did you have to work at it, or did it just come naturally.
Sunday was an AMAZING day! You heard Monday that I may or may not share why. Well, here’s why:
Lector at Church. Plus, served as “Narrator” at Church for Passion Sunday. (To serve God during Easter is AMAZING)
Short but good core workout at Gold’s Gym before lunch. (Brief, but important workout didn’t get postponed)
Good business meeting after lunch. (working on Family project every Sunday since October)
Then, another great meeting with an old friend that we twice bred our first Lab with. (hadn’t seen Brian in 25 years)
Short 20-minute nap. (a rare, highly-coveted treat)
Then Cub Scout Awards banquet, watching our son receive his Bear Cub award. (teaching a child values and confidence is priceless)
To top it all off, movie night, watching “The Blind Side”. (Precious family time on a touching, thought-provoking movie)
A day so full of balance, worship, family time, and meaningful activity.