Be the spark

Here lies a vastly under rated message from Seth Godin
Here lies a vastly under rated message from Seth Godin


Our job, really, is do our job really well.

As a professional speaker, you want to organize yourself, the logistics, the speech, the timing, activities, and so on in such a way that the content becomes a spark for the audience.

To light a fire for transformation.

I suppose it is similar no matter what job people do.

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Is she the Grateful Dead of blogging?

hawaiian Luau performers at Honolulu Airport
No idea if she’s a blogger, but she sure looks happy


Is she the Grateful Dead of blogging?

If a blogger wrote the way she wanted, and unintentionally (but consciously) broke nearly every blogging rule ever recommended, would she be in a class of heretics?

What if she didn’t become a mega-blogger? Yet among the folks who got her, would it be good enough?

Would she be to blogging as The Dead were to Rock and Roll? Successful nonconformists.

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Our pleasure is lost because we fail to stop being ambitious

Newspaper write up on young woman heading off to college
Cheryl’s 2nd cousin, 17, heading off to college (remember when it was us?)


The pleasure of what we enjoy is mostly lost by wanting more.

Desiring more is normal.

Letting our desire ruin our present moment causes discord. We have all we need, yet desire even more.

Boomers, we must find a way to slow down while at the same time hurry up – because our clock is ticking.

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