Organized to travel lean

Delta digital boarding pass


Delta misses us sometimes. And maybe they think we’re cheating on them by regularly flying another airline.

How can we tell?

They confirmed the first class upgrade a few days ago. And last night, confirmed the final flight home is also a confirmed first class upgrade.

Only carrying a small backpack and an even smaller shoulder bag.

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Being organized is a marathon, not a sprint

Big Orlando lakefront Estate near Disney World
Last week, neighbor’s home is huge.


Dear Son, do not give up because perfection seems (and most likely is) impossible. Be as organized as you can be. Build on your successes. Keep things simple. Keep things lean.

It may take decades, but at least you will aways be getting better.

PS. The bigger the home, the more there is to organize.

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Thank you HP

HP Instant Ink return mailer photo
HP makes it easy to manage small business printing needs.


Staying organized isn’t just about our stuff. It’s also about our processes. And our decision making. And our decision making processes.

I always have a backup. One printer is not enough. We always have two.

Intentionally replaced the oldest one even though it was still working. Why? Because it didn’t offer mobile-capable wireless printing. Being organized is also about processes. Mobile device printing makes life more efficient.

The time to fix things is when we don’t need to.

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What is this blog about?

Orlando Based Motivational Speaker


Orlando Based Motivational Speaker
The big Box surrounding the other four is HQ.


This blog has always been about HQ.


The place where we dwell. Where all our important stuff is.

It’s about being decently organized and making good decisions.

Based on the logical assumption you are the CEO of You, Inc.

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So it’s like this…

Fed Ex delivery location
Fed Ex left the package on the chair rather the nearby covered front porch.


Fed Ex delivery location
Package on the right chair arm, and the covered front porch is close.


HP Instant Ink package
HP Instant Ink package with for ink cartridges.


So it’s like this…

What if…

Fed Ex delivers a package in a cardboard box and leaves it in the driveway. No big deal right?

What if it rains, what if the residents are away for a few days? What if…

What if the driver would have walked a few more feet and placed it by the front door, under the covered porch?

In an earlier post today about everything happens for a reason the lesson is clear:

This is a first world problem. Maybe the driver is going through some sort of personal hell. If it would have been damaged or stolen, it is replaceable. Let go of how it was handled compared to how you thought it should have gone down.

i learned to grow my patience with imperfection.

Because it’s what i hope other’s will do with my imperfections.

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