Organize like you mean it: You fail if you don’t get really good at failing

West Orange High School 9th grade center


West Orange High School 9th grade center
It’s a huge campus for approx 1,400 ninth graders


Trying a crazy idea on for size and discovering it’s too small or too big is a gift.

Not trying is the quickest way to drive yourself insane.

Plus, the more you fail, the less failure feels uncomfortable.

Fail frequently. Fail better.

Failure, the gift that keeps on giving.

Thank goodness.

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His office was nothing more than a wooden floor

Tibet Butler Nature Preserve Building
Tibet Butler Nature Preserve Building.


Tibet Butler Nature Preserve Building
Lower right, sitting on the floor, was HQ for 40 minutes yesterday.


His office was nothing more than a wooden floor. No chair.

You can see exactly where in the photo above. He sat in the lower right corner, back against the display.

He could have postponed the run until after the 9am call with the CEO, but instead, he began walking, hoping it would turn into a long run.

It did. Ten miles, eventually.

But 20 minutes later, it was time to find a quiet place for the 30-minute call.

Five months of slow, sporadic conversations.

He was glad he could call from anywhere.

This is growth.

And freedom.

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Unfortunately, people tell you what you want to hear

Work life balance Disney Speaker
Photo of MacBook while reading Facebook. In 30 years at Disney, never had a role model for balance.


In 30 incredible years i longed for a work-life balance role model. Never found one. Seriously.

How is that possible you ask?


When you are a world class organization and one of the top ten most admired companies in the world, the public thinks it’s perfect on the inside.

PS. Necessity is the mother of invention. Disney’s work-life balance expert is now available for hire. Live live you mean it.

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