No seriously, it’ll say, TRUST JEFF…..
So I was wrong. TRUST JESUS.
Happy Friday! Have a GREAT weekend.
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
No seriously, it’ll say, TRUST JEFF…..
So I was wrong. TRUST JESUS.
Happy Friday! Have a GREAT weekend.
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At Mid Life Celebration LLC’s Blogs, no worries about fraud.
Guarantee no Mid Life Celebration readers ever feel like this…
Does this sound like fraud:
“The long way is the short cut. If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. Leadership starts in the mirror. Haven’t asked you to buy a thing in 30 months. No rules for success will work if you don’t. Go. Get started. Do something great!”
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Don’t be afraid of failing, be afraid of quitting.
When you are feeling like you can’t go on, you are actually getting to a great place. This signals you’re getting closer to your dream than you’ve ever been before. Ever.
This is not from books I’ve read, it’s from my own personal journey. And what I have learned about others is that most believe this too.
Many of you have watched this unfold. Thanks for your company.
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I ain’t the brightest light bulb in the pack, but I do know one thing that most don’t….
You have to be inspired to be organized. It’s a hard skill to stay with because life throws so many curve balls. A lot of people quit trying because life doesn’t become so easy like they imagined.
Be inspired to fight the never ending battle with life’s in-box.
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You only feed her for the day if you give her the fish. Go. Teach. Fail. Teach some more.
Mid Life Celebration LLC has a BIG dream to help make the world a little nicer for future generations. Attempting this is back-breaking work. Mid Life Celebration welcomes and embraces failures because they are contractual.
Part of being organized, I’ve found, is expecting to fail, repeatedly. But quit? Never.
And then eventually, like yesterday, comes a breakthrough.
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