Would you wait 53 years to own a swimming pool?

swimming pools
today I'm celebrating because we signed the papers to build a swimming pool

This blog is about our personal responsibility to get and stay organized with the paperwork of life. This includes our personal day-to-day accountabilities, plus special projects that may happen seasonly, annually, or in rare cases, only once in a lifetime.

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I love summer, but more than that…

everything comes alive in summer

Summer. Warm, sunny skies. No need for shoes or heavy clothes. Long daylight hours. Gardens. Swimming. Vacations. And on and on. Why do we like summer so much? My theory is that humans are solar powered.

If you have a sunny disposition and wish to share your theory, by all means, go, the water’s fine.

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Ten days into an awesome summer

sea grape
amazing what sun light and rain water can do to sea grape leaves

How’s your summer going so far? Let’s say we get 92 days for summer… June 1 – August 31. Okay? Dude, we still have 82 days left. How cool is that?

Insight: The days click by. Each one a precious gemstone. Or not. It’s up to us. For real.

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