To Never Tire Of The Basics Means Spending Time Every Day On The Things That Make A Difference

The basics...child's play really

Some are nurses. Some accountants, or cooks, teachers, laborers. Truck drivers, artists, farmers, scientists. Some are street sweepers. And all endeavor to do their jobs even as Michelangelo painted.

Some are bloggers. Everyday. Inspired. The basics. Life’s Big Choices.

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Never Get Bored With The Basics. Ever.

The most important thing to remember about walking is to simply do it, a lot

I, jeff noel, do not write for the casual observer. And I don’t write for the wishful thinker. I, jeff noel, do solemnly swear, that I write for the few, the outliers, the ones who believe in the power of their dreams – for those among us who never tire of the basics. Ever.

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2 Reasons Boomers Should Focus On Doing Something Great Before They Die

Midlife Baby Boomers are the bridge from the past to the future

The top 2 reasons Baby Boomers should do something great before they die:

  1. To provide a blanket of peace when we take our final breaths
  2. To show younger generations the way, by our example

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