Yeah, the twin siblings of self destruction

waiting room floor


(photo: the front outside ‘patio’ where some of the gang hang out)

There’s no place like home. Is our home heaven or hell?

Who decides?

Trick question.

We know who decides.

How do we see far enough into the future to prepare for whatever life deals us?

When do we make time to see into the future?

When do we make decisions that are difficult but important?

Because this is so challenging, we wait.

Waiting and doing nothing are the twin siblings of self destruction.

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Dare not dare at home

If necessary, hire someone, although that would be a last resort.


Dare not dare at home.

Be organized.

Get rid of unnecessary clutter.



Do some.

Tomorrow do some more.

Even if it’s only one thing a day.

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How has the time passed by so quickly?

College off-campus housing


(photo: seems like only yesterday we were having fun in college)

Tomorrow is September 1, 2014

It is also May 24.

(yes, this writing 100 days in advance can be a turn off ) (it can also be a turn on)

Only 15 days until the age of 55.

We look back on our life and we ask, “How has the time passed by so quickly?”

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The days seem too short too often…

Storyteller's Cafe sign at Disney's Grand Californian Resort
The days seem too short too often…


At the Happiest Place on Earth for eight days. So far it’s looking like there will be very little opportunity to see much of it.

Making eight hours sleep a priority cuts into available free time. Making time to exercise also cuts into it.

Note: Did have the coolest backstage tour yesterday which was unplanned and remarkably treasured.

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