
Disney Institute Sponsorship Program AV Check
Disney Institute Sponsorship Program AV Check, near Houston, two months before retiring.


To everyone who has ever dejectedly said to themselves, “Never in a million years”…

Totally get it.

It’s okay.

No really.

It is.

At some point, wouldn’t it be great to no longer believe it?

Boldness has genius.

Created a (writing) challenge that seemed impossible, and was a last ditch effort to silence the echo of, “Never in a million years”.

One hundred days was an insane goal.

Could a person be organized enough to make it happen?

No way it would ever work.

But what if i could just focus doing it one day at a time?

Just worry about today.


And tomorrow, do it again.

And then a miracle happened, one day at a time grew and grew.

It grew from unexpectedly reaching 100 days to…. 2,190… and counting…

Today is the final day of the sixth consecutive year of daily blogging.

Five differently themed blog posts.

365 x 6 years = 2,190

Just  a thought, no, a wish really – for you…

Please consider rethinking how you want to destroy, “Not in a million years”.

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The poorest of the poor

Website blog post screen shot
Excerpt from older blog post.


What is the most common excuse for avoiding something?

Time is the great equalizer in life. Everyone gets 24 hours each day. None get more, none get less.

Not enough time is a poor excuse.

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Change has many enemies

Learn to code


(photo: Downtown Orlando’s open workspaces, and startups.)

Computers are going to rule the world and code is the only thing that will allow this to happen. Time to learn a new language?

Change has many enemies. No one can explain why except like this, “People hate change”.

Okay. Got it. People hate change. But we all love progress when it benefits us.

Here’s why we are such knuckleheads. Progress only comes from change.

If our head wasn’t attached…

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