Keep moving forward. – Walt Disney
If you say you’re gonna keep moving moving forward, then do it. Even if it’s only one small entrepreneurial step at a time.
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Disney Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker
One million+ people globally while at Disney Institute.
Keep moving forward. – Walt Disney
If you say you’re gonna keep moving moving forward, then do it. Even if it’s only one small entrepreneurial step at a time.
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Don’t stop…
To stay motivated, to stay organized, I remember a simple thought.
We don’t stop doing things because we get old. We get old because we stop doing things.
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All but 1 of today’s photos: Salt Lake City to Palm Springs speaking trip…
Life is a balancing act…
If you’re organized enough, you can find ways to always have your Family in your heart…
Happiness is a present attitude – not a future condition. – Hugh Prather
This, in so many words, is a daily mantra.
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How do you mark the advent of Winter where you live? Seasons come and go. Growing up in Pennsylvania, you knew.
In Central Florida, it’s much more subtle. People grow up here, never seeing snow or a frozen pond. But with careful consideration, there are clues that unmistakably say, “It’s time“.
Last Friday, we heard the first Robin Red Breast chirping. Robins aren’t native to Florida. They come here for the winter.
In an effort to pass on “wisdom” to our son, unique home-made traditions, like the “1st Robin of the season” are a great place to start.
You can observe a lot by watching. – Yogi Berra
Are you paying attention, or is life racing by?
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