Being organized also includes being organized digitally

Social conference at Walt Disney World
Social conference at Walt Disney World


Being organized also includes being organized digitally.

While it’s often impossible to visit someone’s dwelling, it is the absolute opposite in the digital world.

How quickly we reply to email, social media platform messaging systems, and whether we followback are all directly linked to how organized we are.

Not embracing social media?

The world is moving in this direction.

Resist change?

Good luck with that.

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Being well and remaining amazed is easiest when…

WordPress logo made from legos
WordPress changes lives


Being well and remaining amazed is easiest when…

We are more organized than not organized.

Life in general, and writing a book in particular, is directly proportional to our systems and processes for day to day life, and the unrelenting obstacles it so freely, and non discriminatingly shares.

Excuses be banned damned.

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Distractions and society’s insidiously developed poor habits…

Short, compelling book description
Can you (did you) read the fine print on the last line?


One of the key learnings as we age is sorting through the essential insights for executing well on a daily basis.

With so many distractions and too few great examples, we unknowingly flounder through our days, oblivious that we are not making progress and that we are simply surviving.

Our goal is to thrive, and to be constantly conscious of our enemy – distractions and our insidiously developed poor habits.

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