Routine Annual & Semi-Annual Stuff

We need to schedule stuff that doesn’t fall into home or business maintenance, but into personal maintenance:

Eyes: Losada Vision, Dr. Nelsa Losada 407-370-6800. Julie and Keri treat me and my family like their own. Nelsa is also our neighbor.

Teeth: Advanced Esthetic Dentristry  Dr. Frank and Judy Addabbo, owners, have an amazing staff. Martha has been my exceptional hygienist for about a decade.

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All Things Technical, Digital, Wireless

Network: Brighthouse. Apple Time Machine wireless router.

Backup: Apple’s Time Capsule. Go Daddy. VaultPress.

Security: Apple. For PC, Norton.

Systems: Mac OS X

Phone: Apple iPhone. ATT.

email: Apple’s Mobile Me

Social Media: Blogs (WordPress), Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube

Web Hosting: Go Daddy. World class products, coupled with same level of service.

Printers: HP. Wireless.

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More People You Don’t Need Very Often, But They Are Some Of Your Very Best Allies

Insurance: State Farm covers everything we own.

Pest Control: Falcon Pest Control has treated us like Royalty, since 1992. 407-281-815.

Appliances: Sears mostly. Need to refresh our repair person contacts.

Landscaper: I’m a do-it-yourselfer. Call Major Mulch for blown-in mulching 407-291-9895

Tree Specialist: Noel’s Tree Service. Call Noel Trejo at 352-516-9904. Superior work at reasonable prices. We use Noel every Summer for 30 palms. Every few years for Oaks.

Contractor: For additions and remodels, call Art Harding 407-467-4081 or [email protected] Amazing craftsman for excellent quality, done right.

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