Are we doing the things we have always promised we would love to do?

Modern Family poster at Disney's ABC Commissary
Some of us doubted our ability to be a parent, or an author, or ______ (fill in the blank).


We grow through writing, or whatever we use to learn about ourselves. Yes it’s true. We do indeed grow.

But only if we take consistent, brave, challenging, gutsy, fun, scary, exhilarating action!

And our growth is proportionately successful to our ability to organize our life around doing those things we said we were gonna do.

Bucket list.

Wish list.

Call it what you want.

Organizing it is under rated.

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What would we like to do, but never begin because it’s too far out there?

Lucille Ball quote
It takes courage to be crazy, silly, boundary-pushing, legendary funny


How many of you know that in 25 days, the five-year anniversary of The Five-A-Day Blogger will arrive?

What do we think is impossible?

What would we like to do, but never begin because it’s too far out there?

How about this one…

Try to imagine writing two hours (minimum) everyday – producing five daily, differently-themed posts – for 1,825 days.

Remarkable, even for the person who did it.

And humbling.

And in the end, the book he promised to write way back in 1979 became a reality in 2013.

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Photo from book of quotes for sale at Hawaiian Island roadside general store.