Disney’s biggest fans are their Cast Members

Disney websites
Subscribed to this yesterday. Photo taken of MacBook Air screen.


Disney’s biggest fans are their Cast Members.

They love Disney so much that they left everything behind and moved to Orlando or Anaheim just to work there everyday.

They love Disney so much that they stay for a lifetime, just to get the lifetime annual pass that comes with their Disney Retiree ID card.

So yes:


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Biggest home April Fool ever?

Disney's Magic Kingdom Spring Break peak attendance days
Spring Break 2015 is in full swing. Yesterday, March 31, 10am.


It was probably foolish to waste nearly seven years of weekends looking for a lot near Disney World so we could build our dream home.

We had a crazy dream. It didn’t seem crazy at first because we were young, ignorant, and lacked the reality check of real estate truths.

Location, location, location equals unaffordable.

There’s another truth.

Luck favors the prepared.

At the end of a long, arduous journey, when we discovered a vacant two acre lot at a crazy price near Magic Kingdom, luck prevailed.

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