The 19 cultural blueprints for corporate architecture for business excellence

Disney keynote speaker
Mayor of Main Street USA interacting with one of his constituents.

The 19 cultural blueprints for corporate architecture for business excellence.

LEADERS (blueprints, site prep, foundation)
1. (Vision) a clear, concise, compelling vision
2. (Involvement) Create your tool box with at least 100 easy to implement developmental ideas
3. (Accountability) Develop your tool kit with your top three priorities for each: Employees, Customers, Business PLUS: Technical, Managerial, Behavioral.
4. (Commitment) Short list (7 or less) of internal leadership (and employee) values, with concise definition and sample behaviors.

EMPLOYEES (shell, walls, roof)
5. (History) Full-blown founder’s story capturing the organizational DNA (and an historian identified)
6. (Customs) Long list of company heritage as well as traditions (ongoing historical management)
7. (Icons) Comprehensive guide to corporate language, symbols, phrases, tag lines, etc (ongoing historical mgmt)
8. (Values) Categorize unique traits & behaviors your culture is famous for.
EMPLOYEES: Deep and broad integration with your 4 HR practices: Hire, Train, Inspire, Value.

CUSTOMERS (floor plans, doors, windows, walls, stairs, closets, etc)
9. (The Bullseye) Identify and define your quintessential service goal. Then embed it in your organization’s DNA
10. (360 Analysis) Exhaustive lists of Needs, Wants, Stereotypes (+-), Emotions (+-); this will fuel scalable ways to hit your bullseye all day, every day.
11. (Unifying goal) redress your vision statement in a pair of overalls and march it to the front line. This is your battle-cry, the reason you exist. This one blueprint is the most important tool for harvesting your work force’s discretionary effort.
12. (Decision Tree) Create your prioritized corporate decision making matrix based on your non-negotiable, famous for, and business need.

REPUTATION (Exterior style & landscaping)
13. (Your promise) This one’s easy, it’s your unifying goal.
14. (Delivering your promise) process map every customer (and employee) touch point and create exhaustive lists for delivering your quintessential service goal at every touchpoint, all day, every day.
15. (Connecting Emotionally) Create organizationally unique employee framework (your Company’s Customer Service blueprints) to allow for initial and ongoing training and development.

IMPROVE (functionality – plumbing, electric, hvac, lighting, etc)
16. (Generate Ideas) Build your corporate box and think inside it.
17. (Select ideas) Use process mapping, 360 analysis, financials, surveys, etc
18. (Implement ideas) Develop a corporate framework for Continuous improvement (CIP); a literal six sigma for dummies.
19. (Leader’s Role) Create environment where great ideas have no choice but to flourish. Everyone is creative, your ideas are separate from your identity, “yes, and”.


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This website is about our home health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my mental attitude website, click here.


Disney Keynote Speaker deeper dive VIP session

Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Disney Speaker community event
Memories from Doug LIpp’s VIP “deeper dive” session.


Note to self: Benchmarking is invaluable.

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This website is about our HQ. To reflect on today’s post about our MIND, click here.


Saying goodbye to Disney University’s Mr. Magic

Disney Cast Member friendships
All Bob’s Disney University Colleagues call him Mr. Magic.


Disney Cast Member friendships
We watched his going away “Sizzle Video”. A tribute to his 22 years of Creating Magic.


Few Cast Members understand the separation anxiety Bob is experiencing.

i do.

i went first, in 2013.

i reminded Bob:

“Yes, it tears you apart to leave Disney because Disney is who you are. You ARE Disney. But here’s the good news Bob, that never goes away, even after you leave.”

How do i know?

From personal experience.

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This website is about our HQ. To reflect on today’s post about our MIND, click here.


Take a home walk on your Disney side

Disney Leadership Business author
Writing is going well. Yesterday was Day 228/365 in Magic Kingdom.


Main Street USA
Yesterday. Notice the woman holding the Disney balloons? And, the guy next to me is cousin Michael from Pennsylvania.


One wanted to visit Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

One wanted to write from Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

They both got what they wanted.

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This website is about our HQ. To reflect on today’s post about our MIND, click here.


Disney Creativity Keynote 60 minutes vs 90 minutes

St Mary Lake, GNP
We don’t go anywhere within Glacier National Park without Bear Spray on our belts.


Disney Creativity Keynote 60 minutes vs 90 minutes.

Same content for either length…

Generate Ideas  •   Select Ideas  •   Implement Ideas  •   The Leader’s Role

Same high-energy, serious-focus, fun, interactive delivery.

What’s different then?

The extra 30 minutes adds even more interactive, engaging, thought-provoking activity, roughly seven additional minutes of experiential learning for each of the four world-class creativity and innovation basics.

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This website is about our HQ. To reflect on today’s post about our MIND, click here.